Hair Care Brands to Avoid

Just like with skin care, there are certain hair care brands that you should avoid if you want to maintain healthy hair. Some of these brands use harsh chemicals and sulfates in their products, which can strip your hair of its natural oils and leave it feeling dry and brittle. Other brands may not be as effective as they claim, and can actually do more harm than good.

Here are four hair care brands to avoid:


L’Oreal is a popular drugstore hair care brand, but it’s not the best choice for your hair. Many of their products contain sulfates, which can strip your hair of its natural oils and leave it feeling dry and brittle. They also use a lot of synthetic ingredients that can build up on your hair and weigh it down.


Pantene is another popular drugstore hair care brand, but it’s also one to avoid. Like L’Oreal, their products contain sulfates and other harsh chemicals that can strip your hair of its natural oils. They also use a lot of artificial fragrances and colors in their products, which can irritate your scalp and skin.

Herbal Essences

Herbal Essences is a hair care brand that is owned by Clairol. While they don’t use sulfates in their products, they do use a lot of other harsh chemicals that can damage your hair. Their products also contain a lot of artificial fragrances and colors, which can irritate your scalp and skin.


Garnier is a hair care brand that is owned by L’Oreal. While their products don’t contain sulfates, they do use other harsh chemicals that can damage your hair. Their products also contain a lot of artificial fragrances and colors, which can irritate your scalp and skin.

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